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Tartaria & History Channel

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

We are here to uncover our real history. Come join the search!!

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August 15, 2024, 16:07

🔋EMF Tester: Trifield tf2 - Test your land, farm, home, or homestead. Heavily censored topic : wonder why?

▶️A great website is antennasearch.com to search up your address.

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August 15, 2024, 14:31

Etchmiadzin Cathedral, Armenia

This beautiful structure is considered to be the first cathedral built in ancient Armenia and is often regarded as the oldest cathedral in the world.

The original church was believed to be built in the early 4th century between 301-303 according to tradition.

Belfries were added in the latter half of the seventeenth century and in 1868 a sacristy (museum and room of relics) was constructed at the cathedral's east end.

Included in the images above are pictures from 2024, pictures from 1910, a painting from the 1870s and a watercolor painting from 1783.

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August 15, 2024, 0:16

Maya Nut: Traditional Mayan Superfood You Need to Know About

Some of the most popular wonder foods of today like Cacao and Maya nuts were dietary staples of the ancient Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans. These “nutritional powerhouses” gave ancient indigenous peoples of Central and South America the strength and endurance they needed to survive in their often harsh environments.

For the Mayans, Cacao and Maya nuts were much more than just a food source; it was a sacred symbol of abundance and a critical part of their rituals and daily life.
Join us here with Nikko who explains more about this wonderful food at The Farmers Market - Utah


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August 14, 2024, 17:05

⚡️Dowsing: When it comes to finding abundance (water, gold, or oil).

Book:📕 The Divining Hand: Mystery of Dowsing - by Christopher Bird 

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August 14, 2024, 15:10

The fascinating thing about ingenuity is that solutions to problems are sometimes quite simple.
Dowsing rods, for example, have been used for hundreds of years. Apparently they even go as far back as Egypt.
Slim Spurling, the discoverer of tensor rings, initially used dowsing rods to search for Geopathic Stress points in order to neutralise or redirect them. He later realised that Tensor rings could provide a remedy for these so-called energy lines. Pyramids are build on earth´s grid lines and crossing points to harmonise the energy. Tensor rings influence their environment and transform stressful energy into uplifting, harmonising torus-shaped energy. It´s changing the energy what matters. Slim's wish for the earth was Harmony through his fantastic tools, Tensor rings.
Further information can be found at Cubits

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August 6, 2024, 17:48

I have some very cool news to share regarding Geopathic Stress.

I've shared some previous videos on the topic but for those that don't know. Geopathic Stress translates to Geo meaning Earth and Pathos meaning pathogen or disease. It translates to suffering / disease of the Earth. Further to this I will say that it is a non beneficial form of light that sits outside of the ultraviolet spectrum so it cannot be seen with simple sight however It can be felt by those sensitive to it. Just like WIFI or 4G / 5G you cannot see it but its still there impacting you in a non beneficial way.

Tonight I was contacted by my friend Leon who has recently purchased a new book on Geopathic Stress by Robert Egby, an internationally recognised author and expert in remote dowsing and remediation of Geopathic Stress. This book is called: Battleground Geostress how to recognize and fight the silent killer

To Leon's shock when he reached page 59, the author started talking about me!

I don't know Robert Egby personally.  Over the years my Geopathic Stress journey started with Slim Spurling, the father of the tensor rings & Geopathic stress expert. Along the way I was lead to Robert Egby. I picked up a thing or two from his books and content and applied various techniques and found what works for me and how to fine tune from there.

I emailed Robert a long while ago now to which we emailed back and forth a few times when I was living in QLD, Australia. When Leon sent me the pictures below I was absolutely taken back and full of joy.

This is something that means so much to me. Robert Egby is very knowledgeable, internationally recognised in this field and specialises in remote and muddy boots dowsing to detect and remediate Geopathic Stress worldwide and has lots of experience. To be mentioned in one of his books is an absolute honor. I'm so grateful and absolutely thrilled. Thank you Robert ❤️🙏

Be sure to checkout his new book. I've included some photos from pages 59, 60 & 61. Geopathic Stress remediation is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Its harming all life and is quite literally known as the silent killer.

Working to remediate Geopathic Stress & to teach others how to identify & remediate is something I feel I've been called to do, as well as the Pyramid work I'm doing now.

Myself and Leon will be making content specific to Geopathic Stress in the near future including an A - Z on Geopathic Stress. We are still working out the best way to manage this but its not far away. As soon as I can talk on it I will share.

Additionally in future we will be running workshops around Australia to teach others how they can find and remediate the unseen killer that is known as Geopathic Stress!

Much love,

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