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Vault of Secrets - Unpopular History

Updated: Mar 9, 2025

A channel for historical content, including lesser known moments and opinions on history.

An investigation into lost culture, tradition, and past. Broad scope of content.

A warehouse of facts. Sources are usually published or available on request.

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August 16, 2024, 20:31

The meal-in-a-pill to solve world hunger

The turn of the century also brought a fear that the planet simply could not provide enough food for its people, given the then-current rate of population growth. In the 1920s and 30s the meal pill showed up in popular media as something inevitable, with a touch of the scary. Satire often tried to soften the blow. The leftist pseudo-science had the support of the feminist movement and socialist thinkers.


August 16, 2024, 12:33

Shannon, T. (1916). Nature's secrets revealed: scientific knowledge of the laws of sex life and heredity, or, eugenics: vital information for the married and marriageable of all ages, together with important hints on social purity, heredity, physical manhood and womanhood by noted specialists, embracing a department on ethics of the unmarried.



August 16, 2024, 10:33

A report from 1911 discusses the assassination of the Russian Minister Peter Stolypin, the successful one of the 11 attempts. Stolypin's achievements included fiscal discipline, early successes in agricultural reform aimed at increasing the welfare of the peasants, and positioning Russia as a world breadbasket. However, anarchists, communists, and conspiring freemasons did not like him and killed him, along with other key members of the Imperial circle, shortly before the Civil War began.


August 16, 2024, 9:15

Oleg Plantov (2004). Elder Gregory [Raspiutin] and the Church Liberals. The opinion of an Orthodox scientist on the report of Metropolitan Juvenal at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Church. Available at:



August 16, 2024, 8:43

"But what about the West? The reason they so adamantly objected to any trial or investigation of the Soviet system became obvious to me when I accessed the archives of the Central Committee. The degree of secret cooperation between the left in the West and Moscow was incredible. We always suspected it, but what we discovered was much bigger.

Above all, I found very interesting documents indicating that, at the end of the Soviet era, Western leaders—particularly left-wing leaders—who visited Moscow sought all kinds of assistance, money, and support. They quite clearly and openly explained that they were not interested in the collapse of the Soviet Union; they wanted a strong Soviet Union. As I quote, 'A collapse of socialism in the East will bring a crisis of this idea in the West.' They were concerned about their own ideology and position in the West, not about us.

Indeed, as we could all see, without studying how and why the socialist system collapsed in the East, they proceeded to do the same in the West, with results that are quite predictable. Look at the European Union today, which, in my view, is just a pale copy of the Soviet Union. It was created with the aim of uniting East and West. There was a concept that one day the Soviet system would become milder and the West would become Social Democratic, leading to convergence—the theory of convergence.

That's why the structures of the European Union were built so similarly to Soviet structures: to ensure they would fit together very well when the time came. By adopting the same model and supporting the same ideology, they were merely biding their time before the crisis would come."

Ilia State University (2012). Speech by Vladimir Bukovsky at the International Conference "Twenty Years after the Fall of the Soviet Union. Historical Context and Strategic Perspective" Tbilisi, Georgia, 10-11 December 2011.


August 16, 2024, 8:09

In this speech, Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky discusses the reasons why the Soviet Union collapsed and why the Western media neither celebrated it nor wants to hear about it. Russia, a resource-rich country, was able to keep an unproductive system alive for over 70 years. The Soviet Union was not defeated; it was bankrupted. Few have analyzed its reasons outside the Soviet Union, but Bukovsky says that in the 1960s and 1970s, people already expected its inevitable collapse. There were regular bread shortages in the Soviet Union, and it was America that sold them bread. In some cases shortages of meat were met with martial law. Despite maintaining a state of fear of war for over 50 years, the Western media, he says, is mysteriously quiet about the Soviet Union, about the socialist failure, and about the role of the Soviet Union in international terrorism.

Ilia State University (2012). International Conference "Twenty Years after the Fall of the Soviet Union. Historical Context and Strategic Perspective" Tbilisi, Georgia, 10-11 December 2011. Speech of Vladimir Bukovsky and following discussion. Available at:



August 15, 2024, 18:43

"Until my final smile, until my final word,
Until my final breath, I'll remember you,
I will not renounce our human right,
I will not submit to a criminal, stupid fate.

I will remember the faith of my fathers and the Cossack traditions,
I will never forget the glory of my grandfathers,
I will not bow before the local trading rabble,
And I will serve our steppe Truth fearlessly.

Until my final smile, until my final breath,
Until my final word, I will pray for those
Who died from the blows of Moloch's slaves,
Who were shot in the Alps, and fell on the snow."

From the poem "To the Don", by Cossack writer, translator, poet and publicist, representative of the white emigration - Pavel Sergeevich Polyakov (December 7 [20], 1902, Razuvaev, Donskoy Army Region — October 30, 1991, Freising)



August 15, 2024, 13:15

What communists really think of the Russian people, according to Gorky. The communist experiment was the creation of the new entity "the Soviet People" who would be landless, godless, dependent on the state, and have have a new redefined national identity, no longer the original.