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NWO Intelligence

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Random agenda's that lead to the same path - Global Dominance, AI Takeover and Depopulation.

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August 14, 2024, 15:17

While doing another page from the Encyclopedia Galactica, I ran into the Korendi, which already had the luck to have their own page, ever since december 2021.

I added a few sentences on them. It would be great to include the beautiful drawing of a Korendi man with his blue radiating eyes, but unfortunately Elena doesn't allow that.

The article also links to two youtube videos that were free back in 2021, but who turned into subscription videos during her last paywall offensive.

Despite all that, enjoy the Korendi, who would even have an underground base in the state of Massachusetts!



August 14, 2024, 14:52

Just added a short excerpt about a species called the Anak on the Japan-page. These species would have interbred with a very small group in Eastern Japan sometimes near the last Ice Age. See the paragraph at the bottom of this article for more.




June 16, 2024, 22:32

They are cooking us during our sleep! 🔥

Ever wondered or felt like you're drained/unmotivated or can't sleep?...

This is happening on a global scale although this is just showing America as an example as they're ramping the duration daily! 🧲 📡



August 9, 2024, 10:44

For those who are interested and might like to think along: I just started a new thread on George Adamski, triggered by the nice vibe interview by Elena and Myoko that was posted yesteday.

There's also a bit of Billy Meier there too :)

See you at


It will undoubtfully result in an article. You can therefore also choose to patiently wait and see the end result.


August 7, 2024, 20:15

While watching the audio-only webinar 9, a long standing enigma was solved. The origin of Victor, the guide of Jean-Charles Moyen.

I added the information to the page on the Perception Switch, in the world's biggest Elena Danaan online archive.

Tell your friends about it!



August 6, 2024, 19:22

Sometimes I come across people who have trouble opening up to the idea that Turmp, Musk and Putin could possible be white hats. Here's a short interaction I just had in which I explain that I do really think it makes sense to think they are working on the right side of humanity.

- Hello Joost. You believe Elon Musk is a White Hat? Despite his civil war tweet on X? Doesn't make sense. Just as Trump is racist and sexist! And Putin a dictator and ruthless killer of his own opponents in Russia. How do u reconcile all that in your head?

- I have been talking about all these things so often, that I don't feel like going through all this again. And nobody is perfect, but...

I think Elon Musk is wrong in regard to Venezuela, but he is crucial when it comes to our ability to express our free will with X. His space adventures are likely to become important as well.

Trump called out the Mass media and I think he is part of the Q-movement that exposed many players of the Deep State. If he gets to become president I am sure he will play an important part in draining the swamp from all those secret government agencies. He will end the war in Ukraine.

And Putin is saving the people from Eastern Ukraine who asked for his help. He was close to signing a deal with Ukraine when Boris Johnson torpedoed it, causing immense suffering until now. The war is causing the acceleration of BRICS and the collapse of the Deep State in Europe, also exposing the hypocritical approach by the EU when it comes to Ukraine vs Israel. They also are making fools of themselves by propagating their globalist narratives, even though they cause immense suffering for the people in Europe. I hope it will also lead to the collapse of the NATO war machine.

I think it is very likely that they are white hats, and if you have doubts about it, you have probably been confronted with too much main stream media :)

Perhaps get yourself a free subscription on Gondolath.org, the Kind Deep State Exposing website?
