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QAnon Classified

Updated: Feb 11, 2025

⚠️ Warning: Many users report that this account impersonates a famous person or organisation.

Country Rank 1802 ↓51
Country United States
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August 9, 2024, 0:20


⇛ There will be an EBS message sent through phones, TV, and radio worldwide stating that within the next five hours or so, everyone will need to be home for a global lockdown that will last 10 to 12 days.

⇛ NESARA will be announced to the world, signaling that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.

⇛ Afterwards, through the EBS, documentaries will be broadcast to inform the masses of everything that has happened.

⇛ At the end of the 12 days, they will provide an 800-number so people can call to schedule an appointment to set up their Quantum Money Account within the new Starlink satellite system.

⇛ Seventy-five Deep State Banks have been seized, and all assets and accounts have been closed. All Cabal Central Banks have been taken over, with assets transferred into the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

⇛ The QFS operates on Blockchain where nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable. They can see where all the money goes, which prevents corruption.

⇛ Apparently, everyone has a certain amount of money in an individual Quantum Financial Account.

⇛ The assets seized from the Cabal have been transferred to the People's Quantum Financial Accounts. All money in trust funds has been transferred to individual QFS accounts. All of our bank accounts, savings accounts, and retirement accounts are secure within the new Quantum System.

⇛ The only values not reflected in individual Quantum Accounts are investments and stocks in the Stock Market. All of this will disappear! It is advisable to exit the Stock Market immediately.

Join immediately, I am back:


August 11, 2024, 8:28

The Qiantang river's tidal bore is the world's largest and most powerful of its kind.

Sometimes two tides meet together forming a shape like a cross, that can become even more captivating at sunset.

Awesome science


August 10, 2024, 7:50

According to historians, the Igudar granaries in Morocco constitute the world's oldest banking system, going back as far as the XIII Century CE.

Awesome science



July 29, 2024, 18:20

10,000 D.U.M.B's around the world
U.S has 1800 ... It's not a simple job to fix this.. Kill this. Take control. Lots of variables.. Humans. Children
Weapons. WMDs . Bio facilities, clone factories. Engineered Super soldiers. Kill switch. Traps..ext.
7.7 Billion people on Earth
_.02 percent SUPER ELITE1,540,000 Million
_1% PERCENT Elite=77,000,000
Million Elites
_10% 770,000,000 million MILITARY.cia across the world three letter AGENCYs. In so countries.. Corrupted police. News station. Managers. Militias organizations. Mercs. Underground Blackwater soldiers.. Corrupt doctors. Lawyers scientist. Officials. Pharmaceutical companies. Big Tech industries All over 190 countries around the World!!!

Over 800,000,000 forces and divided MILITARY in many countries inside The DARK WEB of Global control to the ELITEs..

It's a Big Job.. Soldiers. People, whistle blowers are dying to try to save you and Atone the world
From 1400 year Control khazarian bloodline>ROTHSCHILDs ROCKEFELLERS World banks
VATICAN Old control on 70 NATIONS, . Ext. Ext ext. Obama.. Gates.. Bushes. CCP.. And so and on.. And on... Ext ext....

The White HATS.. MiL. Are trying their best to keep the DEATH counts down...


No whining and crying.. Stop fighting amongst your selves. It servers no purpose

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