
Hello There!

Welcome to TelegramInformer!

We are passionate Telegram enthusiasts dedicated to creating a valuable directory for users.

Our mission is to make it effortless for users to discover the finest public channels, groups, bots, and stickers available on Telegram.

We understand the importance of providing a comprehensive and reliable directory, especially during “when you need” moments. To achieve this, we are constantly working on enhancing the user experience and implementing innovative features.

Additionally, we are actively exploring new utilities and features that can benefit Telegram channels and group users and admins.

If you have any questions please feel free to use our contact form to touch base with us.


Please note that all Channels, Groups, Bots, and Stickers available on our platform are added by users, and we are not responsible for the content found in their media. Our aim is to review and approve useful and clean submissions. If you encounter any issues or concerns, please reach out to us through the Contact Us page.