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August 5, 2024, 17:58
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August 5, 2024, 17:57
chop or chop up (verb)
♻️ to cut into small pieces with a sharp knife
✔️ It's easy to cut yourself when chopping onions, so be careful.
cook (verb)
♻️ to prepare food for eating
✔️ What are you cooking for dinner?
cookbook or cookery book (noun)
♻️ a book of recipes, often with pictures
✔️ Can I borrow that cookbook with all the Asian recipes?
dice (verb)
♻️ to cut food into small cubes or squares
✔️ Dice the carrots and potatoes and add them to the soup.
dish (noun)
♻️ food that's cooked in a certain way
✔️ My favourite Indian dish is vegetable curry.
fry (verb)
♻️ to cook food in hot oil, butter or fat
✔️ Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and then add the diced tomatoes.
July 30, 2024, 20:08
🔔Word Of The Day🔔
🔸Very fat 〰️ obese
🔹Very afraid 〰️ terrified
🔸Very accurate 〰️ exact
🔹Very often 〰️ frequently
🔸Very smelly 〰️ pungent
🔹Very rainy 〰️ pouring
🔸Very exciting 〰️ exhilarating
July 27, 2024, 9:37
🍂The Loss of Treasure
A holy man lived near a temple. Every day he went out with his bowl to beg for food. After he had eaten, he put the rest of the food back in the bowl for his breakfast next day. Then he hung up the bowl from a peg.
One day a friend came to see him. The holy man gave him water to wash his feet and food to eat. At night they lay down on the same bed and started talking. But the holy man was not paying attention to what the guest was saying. Every now and then he would pick up a stick and strike the bowl with it.
This went on for some time. At last the guest got very angry. “You are not even listening to me,” he cried. “It seems our friendship is over. If you go on like this, I shall leave your place at once.”
The holy man was frightened and said, “Do not speak like this, my good friend. There is no one dearer to me than you are. I shall tell you why I am not listening to you.
“There is a wicked mouse who comes here every night. He jumps and climbs on to my bowl, though I hang it as high as I can. He then eats the food that I have kept for my breakfast and I remain hungry. To frighten the mouse, I strike the bowl again and again with my stick. I tell you the rogue can jump higher than even a cat or a monkey.”
The guest said, “But have you found the mouse hole anywhere ?”
“That I have not,” said the holy man.
“Surely,” said the guest, “he must be keeping all his treasure inside his hole. We must find the hole and take away his treasure. Tonight we must both keep awake. We must see which way he runs to reach his hole.”
That night the two lay awake, watching. Around midnight they saw the mouse. He took a mighty leap and landed on the bowl. But the holy man and the guest came running and shouting.
The mouse jumped off and disappeared in a corner of the room. On searching the corner, the two found the hole of the mouse. The guest called for a spade and started digging the hole.
After digging deep down they found all the food and treasure the mouse had hidden away. They tied it in a bag, then they buried the bag in the ground.
The following night the holy man took out the stick and lay awake. lie kept striking the bowl with the stick. The guest laughed and said, “My friend, you don’t have to worry now. Put away your stick and watch what happens.”
That night too the mouse came as before. He came under the bowl and jumped. But he could not jump high enough and fell to the floor. Again and again he jumped, but failed to reach the bowl.
“See my friend,” the guest said to the holy man. “The mouse has lost all his treasure. With the loss of his treasure, he has lost heart. He can’t jump as high as before. Never again will he trouble you. Isn’t that ‘‘, wonderful?”
July 26, 2024, 19:35
To Be Yourself In A World That Is Constantly Trying To Make You Something Else Is The Greatest Accomplishment.
July 20, 2024, 11:53
❎ I cannot agree to you in this situation.
✅ I cannot agree with you in this situation.
❎ He agreed with my demands.
✅ He agreed to my demands.
July 17, 2024, 15:10
Different ways to say - BIG
🦕 Large
🐳 Huge
🐪 Giant
🦒 Hefty
🦧 Gigantic
🦍 Sizeable
🐋 Colossal
🦏 Massive
🦛 Immense
🐳 Enormous
🐙 Monstrous
🐘 Humongous
🦕 Tremendous
🦖 Considerable
July 16, 2024, 15:39
July 14, 2024, 16:25
Most Common English idioms
❗️It's just puppy love.
▪️It is just infatuation.
❗️Put on your thinking cap.
▪️Give this some serious thought.
❗️Let's put our cards on the table.
▪️Let's be honest with each other.
❗️You put the cart before the horse.
▪️Put first things first.
❗️That will put a feather in his cap.
▪️This will be a credit to him.
❗️Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
▪️Don't depend on just one thing.
❗️It's raining cats and dogs.
▪️It is a heavy rain.
❗️You've got to read between the lines.
▪️Look at what they mean not what they say.
❗️That rings the bell.
▪️Now I remember.
❗️Don't rob the cradle.
▪️She's too young for you.
❗️He'll just rock the boat.
▪️He will get everyone upset.
❗️We've got lots of red tape.
▪️All the government regulations are difficult.
❗️It's just a rip off.
▪️They will cheat you.
❗️He rubs me the wrong way.
▪️I do not like his attitude.
❗️As a rule of thumb I refuse.
▪️Generally I refuse.
❗️It's pretty run down.
▪️It is in bad condition.
❗️He needs a security blanket.
▪️He always needs reassurance.
❗️Seeing is believing.
▪️I only believe what I can see.
❗️That'll separate the men from the boys.
▪️We will find out who is serious.
July 14, 2024, 16:24
Normal Vs Advanced English
💎 Give me more details.
💎 Fill me in.
💎 Calm down.
💎 Put yourself together.
💎 You've to decide.
💎 You've to make up your mind.
💎 Nice car!
💎 Nice ride!
💎 I'm tired.
💎 I'm zapped.