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Every Day Poems

Updated: Sep 7, 2024

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Country Rank 287 ↓9
Country United States
Language English

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August 17, 2024, 3:57

To touch the same dream every night with my eyes leaves blisters on my heart,

burning of longing to bring them into reality.



August 17, 2024, 1:50

Debts shift through thousands of bloodlines till they're paid their worth. And blessed are those that don't stack up dues for their sons and daughters.

Pain passes through centuries intensifying through every passage, through every body as it reforms itself through art, poetry and rage.


August 16, 2024, 19:48

My neck below,
immersed in black ocean waters.
My thoughts swim above the birds;
they find the earth beneath a tad lackluster.

As the fish kiss my feet,
I keep within my nostrils
the scent of blissful purple clouds
and drown out the aroma of defeat.

My hip swims within the cold,
chest boasts against the raging waves.
Chocolate cheeks swollen with hope
as I picture those warm golden rays.

"Dreams "




August 16, 2024, 15:34

My darling strung me along,
My baby left me often,
In the silence that stretched so long,
I'd create and retreat to universes
and I'd marvel at them.

My darling so private,
My baby the ignorant,
In the coldness of his stares,
I burnt my own heart,
In pursuit of his affections,
I lost my innocence,
Somewhere so dark and so far I could never get it back.

The strokes of his hands
and the tug of his lips,
Like a seer I'd envision,
what was possible,
what was so close
yet so elusive.

My love so mysterious,
My darling so sweet,
The times he was out my sight
he'd run my gears,
How consumed I was

My baby so deep,
My love was so bright,
He had those lines at the corner of his eyes,
every time he would smile,
Sad how I didn't get to see them often,
Since in the distance that grew in between,
I just used to write.
My darling made me write.


August 16, 2024, 13:27


The heart is a fragile vessel that holds the essence of our being. It beats with every emotion, it bleeds with every wound. It loves with every fiber, it breaks with every loss. It is the source of our strength and our weakness.



August 13, 2024, 23:53

I know this cloud,

I know the shadow it casts down on me as I know the back of my hands.

It speaks with the gloom in my heart, its secrets sprinkling down as a shower on my face.

I know this cloud,

I know the times when my demons call out to it, they hum their wicked tune.

It rains liquid misery, it's the venom that turns my heart into stone.


August 13, 2024, 21:46

I am a Freak

I'm a freak, a misfit in a world of norms, standing out when all I want is to blend in.

I wear my strangeness like a second skin, uncomfortable yet familiar, a reminder that I am different.

I see the world through a lens of oddity, finding beauty in the bizarre, and truth in the unexpected.

#poetry #draft #freak #odd


August 13, 2024, 17:32

Why do we all only remember you when we're at a rock bottom?

Why do we all keep forgetting that you're the greatest when we're on a cloud nine?

Why can't we be equally the same even during our depth and ecstatic?

Just why do we all tend to forget our own origin?