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Draft Piles

Updated: Oct 14, 2024

Idle scribbles, flash of images, dash of thoughts. Like small sweets or treats from granny~

Group rules: https://t.me/writing_draftpiles/880
Cross-promo: https://t.me/writing_draftpiles/753

Please credit me if you're sharing my work :3

Country Rank 1937 ↓61
Country United States
Language English

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September 14, 2024, 4:27

☄️✍🏻 One of the most useful habits

Write down 10 ideas every day.

By the end of the month, you should generate exactly 300-310 ideas. This will greatly increase brain activity and give you a guideline for the future.

— Also, when you encourage yourself to come up with idea after idea, even if they are stupid and terrible, you become more creative and thoughtful, and you learn to solve your problems more effectively.


September 13, 2024, 2:33

Never falling is not the greatest achievement in life. The main thing is to get up every time.

Life is not measured by how many times we stay on our feet, but by how many times we get up after we fall.

The strength of a person is not shown by the absence of mistakes, but by the ability to get up again and again and continue on.

Every time we find the strength to rise up, we become stronger and wiser.