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Daily Science to all

Updated: Sep 12, 2024

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August 9, 2024, 12:12

Quetzalcoatlus Northropi holds the title of the largest flying animal ever to have existed on Earth. With an estimated wingspan of up to 15 meters, it dwarfs any modern bird. To put it in perspective, even with a wingspan of 10-11 meters, this flying reptile could weigh between 200 and 250 kg. Imagine the sheer size and power of this ancient creature soaring through the skies!



August 8, 2024, 10:15

The African lungfish, also known as the mudfish, has a remarkable ability to survive without water for several months. It buries itself in a burrow of hardened mud beneath a dried-up riverbed. These incredible images from 1935 show the lungfish waking up from its dormancy, ready to resume its life once water returns.




August 6, 2024, 16:22

Cueva de las Manos, or the Cave of Hands, located in the Pinturas River valley in southern Argentina, is renowned for its stunning rock art dating back between 13,000 and 9,500 years. According to archaeologists, the handprints found in the cave were likely made by teenage boys as part of an initiation rite marking their transition into adulthood. The ancestors of the Patagonian Indians, discovered by European settlers in the 19th century, once inhabited this sacred site.




August 5, 2024, 11:35

Did you know that lobsters have some of the most unique anatomies in the animal kingdom?

Their brain is located in their throat, their nervous system is situated in their abdomen, and they have teeth in their stomach. Additionally, their kidneys are in their head. But that’s not all! Lobsters can hear with their legs, taste food with their claws, and just like humans, they can be right or left-handed.

@science #facts


August 5, 2024, 9:27

Recent research highlighted in The New York Times reveals concerning links between ultraprocessed foods and brain health. These convenient and often delicious foods, packed with additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients, might be more harmful than we previously thought.

🧠 Key Findings:

1. Cognitive Decline: Studies show a significant correlation between high consumption of ultraprocessed foods and faster cognitive decline.
2. Inflammation and Stress: These foods can increase inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which negatively impact brain function.
3. Mental Health Risks: There’s a growing body of evidence suggesting a higher risk of depression and anxiety linked to these diets.

🍔 What Are Ultraprocessed Foods?
Think of items like sugary cereals, packaged snacks, frozen dinners, and sodas. They are engineered for taste and convenience but often lack nutritional value.

🍏 Healthy Alternatives:

• Fresh fruits and vegetables
• Whole grains
• Lean proteins
• Nuts and seeds

Understanding these impacts can guide better dietary choices to protect our brain health. For more details, read the full article here.



August 3, 2024, 19:14

Color isn’t just about wavelength; context plays a crucial role too. For instance, an image of strawberries might appear red to us even if there are no red pixels. Our brains perform color correction based on lighting and familiar colors. This phenomenon showcases the fascinating interplay between objective reality and subjective perception.



August 3, 2024, 10:26

Elon Musk: Earth can sustain 10 times more people without harming the environment.

Elon Musk: “How many people can Earth sustainably support without causing what most people would consider significant environmental damage? If you really crunch the numbers, I think the potential is to support ten times the current population.”

Jordan Peterson: “That’s a very countercultural statement. Since the mid-1960s, the moral declaration has been that there are too many people in the world. I think Paul Ehrlich was a strong proponent of this view.”

Musk: “His analysis was very unscientific. How much land do we need to grow food? What impact does this have on natural habitats? What is the actual potential for food production? We are actually doing quite well with it and getting better. And is there enough water? Because the Earth is 70% water. There’s really no water shortage.”

@science #musk


August 2, 2024, 16:06

🚨 Breaking News in Dental Technology! 🦷

In a historic achievement, a fully autonomous robot has performed a complete dental procedure on a human for the first time. Developed by Perceptive, this AI-driven robotic system utilizes a 3D volumetric scanner for precise imaging, eliminating the need for X-rays. The robot can prepare a tooth for a crown in just 15 minutes, significantly faster than human dentists. This innovation promises enhanced precision, reduced procedure times, and improved patient comfort.

🔗 Read more

#Dentistry #Robotics #AI #Healthcare #Innovation




August 2, 2024, 8:29

Our mind relies on the seamless operation of numerous small autonomous programs, much like this facial recognition software (try holding your smartphone farther from your eyes). Each of these programs works together to create the complex processes of perception and cognition.

#WatchThis #Neuroscience #Cognition #AI #FacialRecognition
