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Review channel

Updated: Sep 8, 2024

Official ScamOrSlam review channel. If you stumbled across the reviews and haven’t gotten an invite to the ScamOrSlam groupchat feel free to dm @dfromthedirty for access

Country Rank 3213 ↓161
Country United States
Language English

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July 30, 2024, 13:36

In life, our struggles and scars shape us, giving us empathy, resilience, and a deeper understanding of grace. Those who have faced adversity know the reality of suffering and the power of healing. Their experiences make them authentic, compassionate, and relatable—qualities essential for supporting others on their spiritual journeys.

God’s love is most evident in how He transforms our brokenness into strength. He doesn’t seek out the flawless; He chooses those who have been tested and tried, those who have felt pain and emerged stronger. These are the individuals who can truly understand and minister to the hurting, offering genuine hope and encouragement.

In spiritual warfare, it’s the wounded warriors who stand firm. They have learned to rely not on their own strength but on God’s. They know what it’s like to be in the trenches and have the scars to prove it. Their battles have prepared them to support, uplift, and fight alongside others who are struggling.


November 22, 2023, 3:37

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