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Updated: Sep 14, 2024

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August 10, 2024, 11:31

We've been receiving numerous inquiries about our programs and the application process. To help you get all the information you need, we offer free demo calls where you can ask detailed questions about our programs and the application process. Feel free to schedule a call at your convenience!


August 8, 2024, 11:40

It's that time of year again!

For some, it's already the college move-in week, while for others, it's happening later this month. I remember this exact time like the back of my head. Freshly graduated from high school and on the cusp of embarking on a new journey to pursue dreams abroad. Even though studying abroad and making international friends were already in my dreams, I was still quite afraid, thinking, "What if I can't settle? What if I don't fit?"

But you, my friend, need not fear. You've got this. You've come this far. Now, everything unfolds naturally. Don't try to force anything. Keep an open mind. It's a new environment, new people, and a new culture. If you're uncertain about something or in need, don't be shy to ask people. Forge amazing friendships. You're bound to remember them for the rest of your life. Hope that your roommate is a good match for you. You're fortunate if your best friend is found in your roommate.

Your first two weeks are important. Most of the friends you spend time with for the rest of college are made during this time. Talk to people. Explore. Find your circle. Join clubs and activities. These two weeks are important for your academic life as well. Do not keep classes that are difficult for you. Drop them before the drop/add deadline. Your first semester does not have to be difficult. Give yourself a chance to adapt to the college rigor. Do what you love.

Pack for college wisely. You do not have to wear formal uniforms anymore. Get yourself comfortable clothes. Buy yourself a very nice suit for special occasions. Get yourself an iron, hangers, and a hairdryer. Don't forget to pack your essentials.

Embrace the unfolding chapter and relish the adventures that await you.


August 7, 2024, 8:08


A good citizen ≠ decent human (good person).

Regime types differ: democracy, aristocracy, autocracy, theocracy...

Those differences lead to another set of differences that exist amongst individuals within these regimes.

Let's put it this way:

A good citizen in a theocracy might not be a good citizen in a democracy, and vice versa.

For example, a good citizen in Iran is not a good citizen in the US.

However, a decent human being (a good person) is decent no matter the regime.

Goodness in people is universal.

This leads to the following:

Good citizen ≠ good person.

According to Plato,
a decent human being has a philosophical attribute to themselves.

Aristotle replies,
if we define a good person (decent human) by a philosophical attribute, it means that good citizens in regimes are not good people.

This is due to the fact that philosophers lack a sense of loyalty/partisanship to something special, or to a particular regime. That’s why they are called philosophers; they are always open to new perspectives and in critique of existing ones.


I will share key takeaways from Professor Smith's Political Philosophy lectures. In return, I expect many reposts and shares.