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Updated: Sep 11, 2024

Country Rank 815 ↓39
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August 9, 2024, 8:53

"Aradia or The Gospel of the Witches, as it was collected by Charles Godfrey Leland, brings us a folkloric mixture of myth, poetry, and magical instructions. Wrapped within those pages is the truth that Witchcraft is a revolutionary practice — a means for fighting against social injustices, shifting the balance of power, freeing people from oppression, breaking down political and financial systems that work against the people and nature itself. Witchcraft has long been the tool of the disenfranchised and the marginal. Calling oneself a Witch is in itself an act of defiance, a statement of going against the grain and the status quo of society.

Right now, Witchcraft is experiencing another revival that’s far-reaching across the social spectrum — and the story of Aradia streams forth like light amongst the shadows. How do we interpret Aradia today for the times that we are living in? As modern Witches, we can take inspiration from Aradia and add to the story with our own experiences, lore, and spellcraft. The #WeAreAradia movement says we don’t need to look to or watch for a savior — we are the ones we have been waiting for. These are the times that we are made for. Magical resistance happens both through physical means and metaphysical works — mind, body, and spirit. We seek not only to survive, but to thrive and craft new possibilities for tomorrow — for humanity, for the planet, for all.

The New Aradia is a handbook is designed to serve as a collection of ideas to teach, share, inspire, empower, protect, and guide. Within its pages are sigils, spells, recipes, essays, invocations, rituals, and more, all gathered from experienced magical practitioners. At your fingertips is an arsenal of tools to aid you on your path.

With contributions by: Aidan Wachter, Amanda Bell, Annalun, Annwyn Avalon, Aradia The Rose, H. Byron Ballard, Casandra Johns, Christopher Penczak, Deborah Castellano, Devin Hunter, Gwendolyn Reece, Irina Xara, Irisanya Moon, Ivo Dominguez Jr., Jay Logan, Jenn Zahrt, Kelden, Laura Tempest Zakroff, Lisa Bland, Lyssa Heartsong, Mat Auryn, Misha Magdalene, Patti Wigington, Phoenix LeFae, Raye Schwarz, Stephen Pocock & Storm Faerywolf."


August 6, 2024, 10:47

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️
"A study into the enigmatic devil of folkloric witchcraft and his many forms

• Explains the Dark Man phenomenon through centuries-old folklore and mythology, testimony from British witch trials, and modern accounts
• Challenges the simplistic concept of the Devil as “evil,” explaining how encounters with this entity can reveal one’s life purpose and how the Dark Man can be an initiator into witchcraft
• Presents interviews with those who have witnessed the Dark Man firsthand, offering insights into how he can serve as a guide to a more positive life

From the fortean phantoms that terrorized Victorian England to the haunted crossroads of the Irish hinterlands, the Devil—also known as the Dark Man—has found countless novel ways to influence culture and bring us face to face with our fears. Tracing this enigmatic entity through the centuries via mythology, folklore, occult writings, and modern accounts, Darragh Mason shows how the Dark Man is more than just a myth: he is a real presence in our world.

Drawing on Irish manuscripts dating back to the 12th century, testimony from 17th-century Scottish witches, his own experiences, and interviews with contemporary witches and mystics, Mason builds the case for the pattern of the Dark Man phenomenon, showing what his presence can mean, what it’s like for those who experience him, and how his appearance serves as a calling to the path of witchcraft. In doing so, Mason challenges conventional understandings of the Dark Man as an evil presence, emphasizing his role in questioning authority and liberating individuals from the confines of strict social convention. He shows how the Dark Man’s presence serves as a potent illustrator of the battles between light and dark.

But, Mason emphasizes, these stories of the Dark Man are not necessarily just folktales. Sharing a series of interviews with contemporary figures, including Orion Foxwood and Peter Grey, who speak of the nature of this spirit and their experiences with him, the author illustrates how encounters with the Dark Man can challenge you to make changes—often painful ones—and how if you meet his challenges, you may be bestowed with mystical gifts and initiated into witchcraft. Ultimately, Mason shows how the Dark Man may be a liberating figure: if one faces him and moves beyond the fear, he can open the door to a richer, more fulfilling, and more magical life."