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Updated: Sep 4, 2024

Sometimes all you need is a..

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August 15, 2024, 14:29

Angels, Make Me A Man

If I were to be given a small wish,
angels by night falls near my bed lamp.
What will I dream, you ask, I will give?
Please, Madame, today make me a man.

About places, I shall go, when sun sleeps,
ardent and mad, I willt run with little feet.
And if I come across a lady, I shall greet,
and soon leave for I have but a home to be.

Unluck does not fall upon him, I am told,
you reckon right; he's not to be feared .
Thus I, my so foolishness, to him sold,
his graceful face in elegance appeared.

If I were to be a man, I would remain quiet
To swim in my pride, I would work fast.
And say my words perfectly to avoid riots,
how fortunate it is to be a man at last!

But have you written down my dreams?
I long for the day I turn to a manly being.
Then I can stare at whoever I shall feel,
to scream in silence, for I can't be seen.

If you grant me this wish tomorrow,
angels by night falls near my bed lamp.
There at instance, I renounce my sorrow,
Please, Madame, make me a man.

Devang Saklani ©

#review #feature #devang

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August 15, 2024, 13:46

' Me & My Empty Echoes '

Ahhhhh !! I'm in home, alone
My loneliness creating a cyclone
Room of four walls being so warmth
Destroyed my energies & strength
My eyes are looking at the sky
And thinking about all the why
White moon staring at the stars
My soul ask me for being harsh
Inner me, shouting so high & high
Stars are much busy in being shy
In Past, me having lot of good habits
And, stayed happy like cute rabbits
Now, hands are feeling a vibration
Like, moon & me have a connection
The clouds are yonder there
And I'm totally scattered here
Short gap between star & moon
I wish, I could go there too soon
Telling my broken stories to them
And say, why I'm crying to came
Ahhhhh !! I'm in home, alone
Describing all to the moon,
At night, who's at the throne.....


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August 15, 2024, 13:00

# inner child

.."the food was delicious "
"Ofcourse, better than the lunch today" I replied to my best buddy Mansi, who was with me from childhood to the final year of Engineering now.
We were roaming in the mess corridors post dinner before going back to our rooms ,that was when I came across "Her".
Let's call "her" Sam for now..who was refilling her IRCTC bottle from the water cooler.From side profile,i thought it to be Vanshika, one of my close friend who shares common interest of dance with me.
But the delusion ended when she turned back over Mansi's call with her dimple smile and shiny bright eyes that seemed to greet us good evening in the most appealing way. I wondered how come Mansi knew her before!
Nevertheless,  Her vibe seemed to bring a positive aura around us and the conversation began something like this-
"Hey chotu, Long time! I hope vanshika came along with you..?"
"haha..yep she's here at room no 210"
"So when did you arrive here?"
"Just yesterday evening to do quick room shifting "
"Tell us incase you need anything hnn"
And with her soothing smile she continued back to join her sister at much similar manner we both too joined the bandwagon to meet Vanshika after 3 long months!
We entered as soon as we knocked at 210, leaving our shoes behind for the sake of cleanliness of newly organised room.The conversation followed readily by interactive ambience created by all 4 of us, meanwhile I came to know that Sam was now planning to join Btech course as a fresher and holds numerous aspirations to do wonders in life.She wanted everything, from being a bibliophile to perform at stage, being an creative artist to learn martial arts, joining NCC ,going on a solo trip and everything a person can think of! She wanted to explore the life to fullest.Cherry on the cake was Vanshika's unflinching support to Sam.Vanshika never wanted Sam to lose her charm ,or sacrifice her passion the way she suffered due to family responsibilities.
I saw a reflection of my younger self in Sam.
"Yes, i was "Her" -holding million dreams before entering in my graduation..the dream to Dance freely, under this open sky..but with time everything faded somehow  and now being in my final year the inner craving of that one solo performance still resonates in my heart."

Till 12 AM that night we all discussed about those lost dreams everyone of us had except Sam and I really wanted to see her rising high..we ended up hitting the sack theron and next morning they both went back to their home town bidding us bye and some promises of going on group trips some day.

It has been 6 months of that incident and now i am here at the backstage remembering that incident before my final dance performance making me happy again. Sam became the reason to relive my dreams again.
The last note she left for me before leaving still reminds me of that young spirit and her pretty dimples!


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August 15, 2024, 8:05

'A Love like calm river'

My love for him is like a calm river
In past, present, future and for forever
My heart aching, about thinking left him far
Though, Overthinking bind me all over

Am doing all impossible for make him near
my soul shouting his name for many year
Feelings are being folded and then roar
Just want a tight hug from him, coz i got it so much rare

Prince of mine & a man of my heart for sure
Half problems of me, because of him, were cure
Without him imagining my life like full of sour
The day passed without him was much bitter

For him only, i became a feelings creator
The words of mine, infront of him are scattered
My eyes are everywhere looking him for
In what mood I'm, really doesn't matter

May my fondness for him grow more & more
My love for him is like a very calm river......


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August 14, 2024, 13:54

What I Fear the Most

Palaces in air and rain on the face,
and true chemicals in my substance.
The ground that shatters my distance.
I have looked at my life from that phase.
All the people have a waiter in play,
some even wait for a familiar friend.
One that vowed to me— meet at the gate,
turned their head away from my end.
Then, I wonder, who shall wait for me?

A glance above the chair where I sat,
was it a dream, maybe it was a lie.
For instead of my body, ask my heart,
then I shall melt in sun so soon high.
But I wonder, if I keep bending to all,
enjoying pleasure and comfort last.
Then who shall bend for me tall?
Broken silences and shared pasts.

You jumped above the clouds proud,
with whose appointments you kept.
It was yet said so clear and so loud,
what was decided was not by the fate.

When I walk around all of the stage,
where I came first and strangers meet.
It seems they can't look me in the face,
or I am too frightening to be thus seen.
Though I try to figure little things to say,
maybe a humoured joke or a flashback.
It remained hard to be recognised in day,
an uneasy laugh or victims of my attack .

But now my people, they do question,
whether I have changed to their likes.
It is an aching within that is to mention,
for something is lost living for my eyes.

Devang Saklani ©

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August 14, 2024, 10:06

Baby.. I'm dancing at the sky..
           Finding peace at the high..
           In between the dark sigh..
           Wishing that you could be mine.


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August 13, 2024, 2:40

Halley's Comet

I'm being followed by the Halley's Comet,
gleaming and beaming on light pockets.
Without being seen, or heard by anyone,
it goes across the sky, outshines the Sun.

Hold your gazes, count to three and see,
my so ablazed face, where I am to be.
Tall and clear, forsooth do not, O, worry!
For I shall soon return again to meet.

I remember the night that becomes afraid,
but before our love was lost you ever said:
I am as continuous as the shooting star.
But in darkness, where is that, O, so far.

I'm being followed by the Halley's Comet,
continuous roads in the dates of fate.
Now the world glances up from both sides,
from win to lose but yet no one is satisfied.

Surely you know my heart jumps to you,
even if you dance, others will dance too.
I shall renounce self, and so my worth,
if my presence be forgotten on your Earth.

Did not it took to long to come find me?
I asked but for a faithful friend to be.
Yet I shall always be followed your light,
when I know you will stay the night.

Devang Saklani ©

#reviews #devang #feature

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August 11, 2024, 16:25

"Fight against myself "

I was late for my destination,
Due to my procrastination,
Caught up by distractions,
And Lost my motivation!

Unfocused mind, a blurred view,
What to do? Choices are few.
I'm unsure what to pursue,
Feeling stuck, with no clue.

Pile of tasks, incompleted,
Deadlines looming, goals delayed.
Time sways, but work's undone,
I'm lethargic, which is not fun.

A stagnant body starts to stink,
Fear of failure, doubts that sink.
Self-doubts arise, and I blink,
Do or die, I must think!

Must throw the oar before it sinks,
Each second is precious, I must link.
Lust of idleness, killing me within,
I must wonder and breathe in.

I love to dream, less to work,
Why is so? I should ask.
Let's push aside fear,and stress,
I will work hard, I must confess.

Now, let me rise above the pain,
And work with purpose untill i remain
My heart beats strong, my soul revives,
I'll bleed and fight untill i thrive!


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August 16, 2024, 11:04

melt (verb)
♻️ to turn a solid substance into a liquid by heating
✔️ Melt some butter in a saucepan and then add the flour.

mix (verb)
♻️ to combine two or more substances
✔️ The flour is mixed with a little oil and warm water to make a dough.

peel (verb)
♻️ to take or cut the skin off a vegetable or fruit
✔️ I get juice all over my fingers if I peel an orange.

pinch (noun)
♻️ a very small amount of something like salt or ground spice
✔️ Add a pinch of salt to the water before boiling vegetables.

preheat (verb)
♻️ to turn on and heat an oven or grill before cooking
✔️ It's important to preheat your oven before baking scones.

prepare (verb)
♻️ to make food ready for cooking or eating
✔️ It takes an hour or more to prepare this dish.

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