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Updated: Sep 10, 2024

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August 13, 2024, 18:18

"Socialism thus gains its true form only through its unconditional brotherhood in arms with the forward-moving energies of a newly awakening nationalism. Without it, socialism is nothing but a phantom, a contrived theory, an illusion, a book. With it, socialism is everything—the future, freedom, the fatherland!"

— Reichsleiter Goebbels


August 13, 2024, 18:09

"Kore, probably pre-Hesiodic, might have arisen from Persephone-Kore or Demeter-Kore ~ Why was Kore called specially the ‘Saviour’? Aristophanes seems to interpret the name in a political sense, and this may also have been its significance in the worship of Kore Soteira at Cyzicos and at Erythrae; but at Megalopolis at least it had a ‘mystic’ meaning, an inscription proving that ‘Soteira’ was there identical with the Despoina of the Lykosuran mysteries; and that the cult of Kore Soteira was ‘mystic’ at Sparta seems proved by its close association with the legend of Orpheus, It is probable that in the Attic, Arcadian, and Laconian worships, Kore was called ‘the Saviour’ because of the blessings she dispensed to her mystae after death: and we may bear in mind that the same mystic use of cwrypia or ‘salvation’ occurred in the later Dionysiac-Attis rites."

- Cults Of The Greek States Vol.3

Though there is some confusion Despoina/Kore generally is accepted as Persephone, given what I stated about the Orphic interpretation being close in concept to Kali, this only further points to a transmission of Hyperborean knowledge from Orpheus. The "Chthonic mother", who takes on various different names within the various idiosyncratic expressions of the ur-Hyperborean religion, is quite obvious at this time. Some have tried to present the Chthonic mother as "evil" or "subversive" but this is purely a hold over belief from the Jewish-Christian infestation.

If we return to Serrano, who expounds on the Orphic tradition in Nos;

"According to the Orphic Cosmogony, Love drives the Cosmogonic Eros to break the Cosmic Egg which encloses it, dividing the Androgynous. Thus, Creation is the dance of Him and Her seeking and losing each other throughout infinity."

The Her is not to be hated, but desired and sought after as creation is this dance. The Orphic tradition illuminates on who the She first appeared as;

Orphic fragment 101 Kern: He (Phanes/Eros) laid his glorious staff in the hands of the Goddess Nyx, that she receive the entire dominion.

Orphic fragment 103 Kern: And he (Phanes/Eros) offered her (Nyx) the art of prophecy to bear the truth in every way.

Nyx, the primordial night, the one who emerged first from the abyss and loved Kronos most. Phanes/Eros, the being in the Cosmic Egg, is then divided into the divine He and the divine She who them manifest themselves into various forms.



August 13, 2024, 0:20

Ahnenerbe magazine, Germanien issue 2, out now;

"When Goethe was enchanted by the changing expression of the living human face, he remained in the sensual sphere of the receptive poet; he came closer to the creative idea when he examined the human skull in the serious charnel house, when he discovered the intermaxillary bone, and precisely in what is the sign of death for the "primitive," he recognized with delight the magnificent laws of the highest creative and shaping spirit."

"If Teudt's assumption is correct that the "Irminsul" once formed a Germanic sanctuary at the Externsteine, then his further assumption gains the greatest probability, that it was an expressly spring sanctuary oriented towards the spring point."




August 12, 2024, 21:28

"The strong sense of kinship, inherent to all Indo-Germanic peoples originally and which persisted among the Germanic peoples until the Christianization (think of the failed baptism of Redbad), was also known among the ancient Greeks: traitors and criminals were wiped out along with their entire families. Here lies the eugenic idea that the “hereditarily burdened” offspring of the criminal was harmful to the community and therefore had to be eradicated."

— J.C. Nachenius in History of the Nordic Race

"Although work was still simple, it had already to be planned beforehand and each individual knew that if he has not done his part, he will die of hunger in the coming winter. At the same time another development followed – the terrible hardship became a means for breeding of a race. Whoever was weak or sickly could not survive the terrible winter period and died prematurely. What remained was a race of strong and healthy giants. Yet another trait of this race was born. Where man is externally muzzled, where his radius of action is limited, he begins to develop internally. Externally limited, internally he becomes unlimited. The more man, due to external forces, must depend on himself, the deeper internal life he develops and the more he turns inward."

— Führer Hitler

"If after examination the baby proved well-built and sturdy they instructed the father to bring it up, and assigned it one of the 9,000 lots of land.' But if it was puny and deformed, they dispatched it to what was called *the place of rejection* ('Apothetae*), a precipitous spot by Mount Taygetus, considering it better both for itself and the state that the child should die if right from its birth it was poorly endowed for health or strength. And that is why women would test their babies' constitutions by washing them in wine instead of water. The effect of the unmixed wine on ailing and epileptic children is said to be that they lose their senses, and their limbs go stiff, whereas healthy ones are toughened by it and acquire a hardier constitution."

— Plutarch, On Sparta


September 10, 2024, 13:09

🏦 Coinbase market share dips as smaller exchanges gain ground – Kaiko

Coinbase has seen a sharp decline in market share as smaller exchanges gained ground recent months, according to a Sept. 9 report by research firm Kaiko. Coinbase dominated more than half of the US crypto market share earlier this year, peaking at almost 55% in March. However, its market share has since fallen to 41% in early September, down from 53% in June.

