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Updated: Jul 22, 2024

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Unigram is a Telegram desktop app made for Windows.

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July 19, 2024, 10:16

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👀 Nature never allows you to fall on your face if you take risks.

If you laugh,
You risk appearing to be a fool.

If you weep,
You risk to appear to be sentimental
If you reach out for another,
You risk rejection
If you love,
You risk not being loved in return.

If you place your dreams in front of the crowd as we do.

You risk ridicule.

If you go forward in the face of overwhelming odds,
You risk failure.

But the risk must be taken.
For the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

The person who risks nothing,
Does nothing.

Has nothing.

IS nothing.

That person may avoid suffering, pain and embarrassment.

But he will not
Learn, grow, feel, love or change.

Only the person who takes risks,
Is truly free.

- Ben