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Updated: Sep 6, 2024

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August 14, 2024, 1:22

Hamdani’s new biography of Jinnah contains many startling details about the so called “Quaid e Azam”.

He was effectively a Pakistani version of Mustafa Kemal Atakufr.
Secular until the bitter end.

All the material is taken from primary sources.

(On a related note, Jinnah and his Parsi wife Ruttie’s love for theosophy is also mentioned in the work. Jinnah was so close to Annie Besant that he would call her “Ammi” (mom). We will deal with theosophy, Besant’s legacy, her Lucifer Trust, and its impact on the United Nations, at a future date.)


August 14, 2024, 1:22

On the 77th “Independence Day” of Pakistan, remember that Jinnah never considered Qadianis to be kuffar. This new piece by Jinnah’s new biographer, the secular liberal Yasser Latif Hamdani, highlights Jinnah’s stance on the Qadianis.
It also shows some of the Sunni ulama who (rightfully) did takfir of Jinnah.


August 12, 2024, 14:10

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

One of our teachers in Pakistan is in need of financial help for his mother's medical treatment, and in order to repay some debts. Anyone that can help, please dm brother (@Mohammad_Amin123456).
The Shaykh is a specialist in lugha, and he currently teaches six different books from different 'ulum of the Arabic language, some at university and others outside.

From the books he's currently teaching:
- Al-Kafiyah of Ibn al-Hajib
- Al-Muqaddimah al-Azhariyyah
- Tasrif al-'Izzi
- At-Taftazani's mukhtasar in Balaghah
- section thirty from Al-Kashshaf of az-Zamakhshari

If you want, you can also support through signing up to some of the courses.
If you're unable to help yourself, please make du'a, and spread this to anyone you think could do so.
BarakAllahu fikum.


August 12, 2024, 14:59

Did you know that the ice wall in Antarctica is higher than any Skyscraper ever built with the sole exception of the Tower of Babel?



August 12, 2024, 7:41


Note: this could be fake Ai generated images please do your own research


Great channel with tons of topics exposing all kinds of information, from giants, vaccines, flat earth, Hitler/WW1&2 to hidden laws and unknown information. This channel is very deep and not for everyone to handle!!!

Join us @FEIAM1



August 10, 2024, 16:42

💡 Mastering Startup Pricing: A Founder's Guide to Maximizing Value

➡️ As a founder, one of the most crucial decisions you'll face is how to price your product. Many startups stumble here, either undervaluing their offering or pricing themselves out of the market. Let me share some key insights I've gained from working with numerous startups.

➡️ The foundation of effective pricing is what I call the "value equation". Sit down with your champion at the potential customer and map out exactly how your product will benefit their business. Whether it's cost savings, time savings, or increased revenue, quantify it. This exercise serves two purposes: it justifies your pricing and provides clear success metrics for pilot projects.

➡️ Once you've established the value, aim to price your product at 25-50% of that value. This ensures the customer sees a clear ROI while you capture a fair share. For example, if your product saves a company $2 million annually, consider pricing between $500K and $1 million.

💊 Always consider your costs, but don't start with them. Cost-plus pricing often leads to undervaluing your product. Instead, use costs as a floor. Aim for software margins of 80-90% to build a sustainable business.

➡️ Competition is another factor, but avoid price wars. They're a race to the bottom. Instead, differentiate your product based on functionality or value. Target specific niches or industries where you can excel.

➡️ When it comes to pricing structure, keep it simple. Mirror what your customers are used to in their industry. Committed recurring revenue (MRR or ARR) is preferable to usage-based pricing, as it provides more stability.

❗️ For enterprise sales, avoid publishing prices on your website. The value equation will differ for each customer, and you risk leaving money on the table. Instead, offer tiered pricing with an "Enterprise" option that requires contacting sales.

🔗 Remember, your pricing strategy dictates your sales channels. Ensure there's enough money in each contract to compensate a sales team effectively. A good rule of thumb is a 5:1 ratio between new signed ARR and total compensation for a salesperson.

➡️ Keep free trials or pilots short with clear success criteria. Better yet, push for annual contracts with a money-back guarantee. This shows confidence in your product and secures longer-term commitments.

Don't overthink pricing in the early stages. Start with a number similar to comparable software, then increase it by 50% for each new customer until you start losing about 25% of deals due to price. Remember, your first few customers will be a tiny fraction of your future revenue. Focus on closing deals and refining your approach as you grow. Your product will improve, your sales skills will sharpen, and pricing will become easier with time and experience.

🟢 The hardest sales are often the first ones, so push through and keep iterating. Your pricing strategy will evolve with your startup's growth and success.


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