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Sarcastic Society

Updated: Sep 2, 2024

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Second Branch: @SarcasticCommunity

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August 12, 2024, 18:05

If you distract the driver you will distract the thief. Just swerve yuor vehicle to the right and tighten 1he path.
[a picture depicting two men on a motccycle, the man sitting behind has his 30cm knife out, the knrfe is cutting through an anti-theft window cover of a car, this anti-theft cover is made from 5uperthin 5eethrough black parchment. The men intend to commit a robbery.]


August 2, 2024, 20:54

It is all indeed just a perception; wherein the individual chooses- subconsciously, how to see the world.

But it’s a tricky thing, you see:
This perception has the ability to change or evolve or devolve everyday. Maybe even every minute, or less.

If such matter (decoding the Universe) was to be achieved easily, then wouldn’t we all complain: “if the world and all the creation is such a masterpiece and a phenomenon, why was it this easy to decipher” ?