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Updated: Sep 15, 2024

This group is made for study purpose before taking Entry analyse by experts or yourself also.
Admin - @iresearch04
#Technicalanalysis #Astroanalysis #Fundamentalanalysis #NISM

Country Rank 3581 ↓179
Country United States
Language English

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August 6, 2024, 2:20

“It’s generally seen as an Elizabethan house, or a Tudor house."



August 13, 2024, 23:24

So my AIO must have not been pumping AT ALL.. The only thing moving the fluid to keep it cool was a temperature differential, I suppose... It hasn't been this cool with all my programs open in years!!!



August 12, 2024, 14:23

Just to remind people how dumb it was... The claim was I have FEWER total views than I have LIVE viewers but I buy bots slowly overnight. NOT bots that view the LIVE, and that would actually help my metrics, but these bots only watch the replay and very slowly for some reason..... AHAHAHAHAHAHA... if only this was a well documented and well known issue with Twitch since they combined "Live Views" and "VOD Views" for "Total Views" ahahahahahahahahaha



August 12, 2024, 14:15

Are all you guys who watch on Twitch still bots or what ahahahahaha... I almost forgot about the most retarded claim that ever came out of Jeanette.... good times!!!



August 11, 2024, 18:58

I would like to officially endorse the only man who can save this country. You know him, you love him, you're convinced he is made of 2 different humans stitched together... Which is perfect, left half for the president, right half for vp... The man, the myth, the "holy shit, I need a restraining order".... Scott Rogers!!!!!


August 11, 2024, 16:53

The upper class is out of fucking touch... There is a video of Jesse Watters complaining about fast food workers making $20 an hour and he thinks that's a SIX FIGURE INCOME.... it's fucking 40k and no one can live on that anymore...