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Product Books

Updated: Sep 4, 2024

Handpicked Books mostly for product guys but also Tech and Design People

see @productinbox @productdrafts

by @mahdimajidzadeh

Country Rank 1110 ↓27
Country United States
Language English

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August 9, 2024, 8:32

Why did Toyota launch Lexus?

In the ever-evolving realm of business, the strategic art of brand transformation stands as a testament to the dynamism that propels industries forward. Picture this: a brand, established and revered for its mastery in crafting reliable, efficient automobiles, decides to unfurl a new chapter of its narrative. A chapter that doesn’t just introduce new products, but a whole new dimension of aspiration, luxury, and distinction.

Consider the automotive titan Toyota, a name synonymous with practicality and engineering prowess. Now envision the birth of Lexus, a harmonious symphony of elegance and performance that emerged from Toyota’s visionary ambition to cater to a more discerning clientele. This momentous shift wasn’t just about releasing new cars—it was a meticulous metamorphosis, a graceful evolution that ensured Toyota’s legacy would extend beyond its tried-and-true offerings.

Lexus, a name evoking images of opulence and refinement, became the vessel through which Toyota embarked on a journey to captivate a market segment that sought not just transportation, but an embodiment of prestige. The creation of Lexus wasn’t a mere exercise in rebranding; it was a statement—a proclamation of Toyota’s ability to transcend its own identity and venture into uncharted realms with the same dedication to excellence.

This narrative of transformation serves as a vivid reminder that in the realm of business, adaptability is key. As consumer preferences shift, and markets morph, the ability to not only embrace change but to orchestrate it can be the difference between stagnation and innovation. Toyota’s decision to forge the Lexus brand stands tall as a blueprint for every industry, proving that sometimes, to reach new horizons, a brand must summon the courage to transcend its own legacy and explore the uncharted roads of reinvention.


August 8, 2024, 15:03

The first 7 minutes of every sales meeting or pitch are crucial—they determine whether you'll secure the deal or walk away empty-handed. In these vital moments, you must focus entirely on the needs and interests of your investor or future partner.

Avoid irrelevant details; instead, make a compelling case for why they should believe in your idea, why you are the right person to execute it, and why now is the perfect time.

The best salespeople don't leave this to chance—they meticulously script their pitch word for word, ensuring that every sentence is impactful and drives home the value you bring. Make those 7 minutes count, and you’ll set the foundation for a successful partnership.


August 7, 2024, 19:55

People often use words like "um," "uh," "you know," "basically," and "literally" because their brains need a moment to catch up and think.

These filler words are a way to slow down the conversation and give themselves time to organize their thoughts. To communicate more effectively, it’s better to remain calm, slow down, and speak thoughtfully without relying on these odd words.

By taking a moment to pause and breathe, you can articulate your ideas more clearly and confidently, creating a more engaging and professional presence. This approach not only enhances your communication skills but also helps you connect better with your audience, making your message more impactful and memorable.


August 7, 2024, 7:53

Effective communication is crucial for any leader. You won’t find a successful leader, spoken or written about, who couldn’t communicate well.

When you’re on stage, your presence and how you handle yourself matter significantly. Avoid odd movements with your microphone, stand still, and don’t kick anything out of nervousness.

Take a five-second pause before engaging with your audience: bow your head, let the moment settle, then look up. Typically, the audience will smile, the atmosphere will calm, and you’ll be ready to start.

Mastering these small but powerful techniques can transform your ability to connect and lead effectively.


August 3, 2024, 16:06

Real mastery is a level of skill so ingrained that the masters themselves may not even recognize their own excellence. This concept can be exemplified by the Samurai, who does not wake up and declare, "I am a Samurai." Instead, they simply live and breathe their art, embodying their skills in every action. True mastery is about internalizing your craft to such an extent that it becomes an inseparable part of who you are.

When you master your skills, the journey is often marked by solitary, uncelebrated effort. There are countless hours spent practicing in the shadows, with no applause or external validation. It is in these moments of quiet perseverance that true growth occurs. The darkness, the silence, and the lack of immediate reward are where your skills are honed and your character is forged.

This relentless dedication and unseen effort are what prepare you for moments of real need. When challenges arise, all those hours of practice and unseen labor come back to support you. Your responses become instinctive, your actions fluid, and your decisions precise. This is the hallmark of true mastery—acting without conscious thought, guided by the depth of your training and experience.


August 3, 2024, 9:11

As an entrepreneur, it's crucial to understand and master the skills you plan to delegate to others. This knowledge is not just a formality; it's a foundational aspect of effective leadership and management. When you have a deep understanding of the tasks and skills within your departments, you can maintain control, ensure accuracy, and detect any discrepancies or dishonesty from your team.

Knowing the ins and outs of each department allows you to set realistic expectations and benchmarks. You can gauge the feasibility of project timelines, the quality of work, and the necessary resources. This oversight is essential for making informed decisions that drive your business forward.


August 2, 2024, 12:54

Embarking on a leadership journey is both rewarding and challenging. It requires dedication, resilience, and often involves significant sacrifices. As you navigate this path, it's essential to recognize the importance of including your loved ones in your journey—not just as passive supporters but as integral partners who share in the outcomes.

Firstly, the journey of leadership can be isolating. The pressures and responsibilities can create a sense of distance from those who matter most. By giving your loved ones equity—both metaphorically and literally—you acknowledge their vital role in your success. This equity isn't just about financial shares; it’s about emotional investment and shared victories.

Secondly, leadership demands can often lead to sacrifices in personal happiness and time spent with family and friends. By integrating your loved ones into your journey, you transform these sacrifices into shared experiences and mutual growth.