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Forgotten Books

Updated: Sep 12, 2024

The legally downloaded free (book of the day) ones

Country Rank 1391 ↓62
Country United States
Language English

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August 16, 2024, 4:16

We wait for solace in life's darkest moments,
For the moon's gentle light after a long day,
For the warmth of sunrise after a restless night.

We ache for tender moments, shared with gentle hands,
For a break from hardships that weigh us down,
For joy to heal the sorrow that we've known.

We long for love to mend our shattered hearts,
For peace to calm the turmoil that we've faced,
For forgiveness to release the pain that we've held.

We wait for hope in desperate times,
For growth in adversity, and strength in the climb.



August 15, 2024, 18:23

For the first time in my life,
I give up.
I give up on you,
and I give up on us.
I can't keep fighting for
people to stay,
only to lose myself every
time someone walks away.
I can't keep losing myself,
so I have to let go of you.

From #Unknown


August 15, 2024, 13:40

I was warm, then you brought a chill.
Your presence froze my heart.
You fell silent, like snow.
And my happiness was lost.

A small part of me still holds on to who I was,
Trying to survive the cold you left behind.

#moans #heartbreak #loss


August 15, 2024, 9:15

I acknowledge my mistakes,
Treated you poorly, I confess,
Regret my hurtful ways.

I hope you can forgive,
Pain caused by my actions weighs
Heavy on my heart now.

#mistakes #regret #apology #remorse #heartache #pain