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Bastion's Art Spot

Updated: Sep 11, 2024

Country Rank 1650 ↓85
Country United States
Language English

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August 15, 2024, 9:28

⭐️ Dóstlar hoziroq majorga qóshiling. Avgust oyida sotuvga chiqadi va narxi siz óylagandan ham yuqori bóladi inshaAlloh!

Tepadagi videoga etibor qiling unda siz osongina 10.000major ishlab olishingiz mumkin. Sotuvdagi narxi 140-170$ atrofida bóladi. Bugun ishlab oling ertaga afsuslanman.
⭐ Ha aytgancha quyidagi link orqali qóshilsangiz 500major beradi va kun rewards bólimidan 10.000major ishlab olishgiz mumkin.




August 14, 2024, 2:10

Coming up soon to a thothery near you.

If you wanna support the production of artwork, comics, animations, Games and limericks about fucking dudes from Nantucket consider supporting us on


August 13, 2024, 2:43

Dear Patrons,

If you subscribe to Patreon via Apple Pay prices will be increasing by roughly 30% in November. This fee is easily avoidable by updating your subscription to pay Patreon directly (via their website), rather than using Apple pay.

This change should not affect existing subscriptions (for now), but that may change in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact @krechevskoy for more information.

The Shadowpaw Team