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Binance Trading

Updated: Sep 13, 2024

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August 16, 2024, 3:30

Democracy and freedom are so widely adopted that only a hereditary monarchy exists today.

Saudi Arabia.

Under the rule of a king and lacking freedom, the citizens suffer from:

- Best living standards in the world with oil wealth shared by all citizens
- Common culture, tradition, and moral values
- Nearly no crime
- Men choose what career they want based on their passion
- Women aren’t pressured to work, so they don’t


August 15, 2024, 2:57

Immigration, Ukraine, Israel, and all current global conflicts explained:

Almost all of these conflicts are directly related to demographics.

Immigration in Europe and the US is being implemented to bring in men of prime working age.

To maintain hegemonic power, it seems Ukraine is being used as a further destabilizing force to Russian men.

Russia will win the war, but fewer Russian children due to the war casualties will lead to economic stagnation for Russia.

Israel wanted a war with Iran, but it seems Iran did outsmart Israel and has led to the worst failure the West has ever dealt with.

Russia won the battle but will leave the war long term.

Iran won due to Israel’s sheer stupidity.

Who will the West target next?

Probably itself.



August 14, 2024, 10:51

The invasion of Kursk was the dumbest decision NATO could’ve made.

It was so dumb it was as if the intention was to benefit Russian interests.

What if it was?

The West depends entirely on China for industrial goods, and if China’s stability falters, the Western economy will collapse.

Russian economic and demographic growth would solve the West’s dependency on China’s financial stability.