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August 12, 2024, 17:45

How much of the world population is young?

📍 Today, the world counts 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 – about 22,5 per cent of the global population, according to the United Nations.

📍 Today’s youth is the largest generation in history.

📍 Close to 90 per cent of these, live in developing countries, where they make up a large proportion of the population.

🌍 Africa has the youngest population of any continent. By 2030, young Africans are expected to make up 42 per cent of the world’s youth and account for 75 per cent of the those under age 35 in Africa.

📍There is no universally agreed international definition of the youth age group. For statistical purposes, however, the UN - without prejudice to any other definitions made by Member States—defines ‘youth’ as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years.

📍 The physical age of youth is sometimes categorized to be between 15 and 35 years.

🎉 International Youth Day takes place on August 12.



August 12, 2024, 17:11

What are unique features of Mercury?

Mercury is a terrestrial planet that shares several characteristics with other planets in this category, such as Earth, Venus, and Mars, but also possesses unique features ⬇️.

📌 Terrestrial Planet Characteristics: Terrestrial planets consist primarily of rock and metal, have solid surfaces, and are closer to the Sun compared to gas giants. Mercury fits this description and is the innermost planet in our solar system.

📌 Surface Composition: Mercury’s surface is similar to that of the Moon, featuring numerous impact craters from collisions with asteroids and comets. The surface also features extensive plains, as well as cliffs and ridges that suggest a history of geological activity. The surface consists of silicate rocks and dust.

📌 Internal Structure:
Core: One of Mercury’s most notable features is its disproportionately large core, which makes up about 60% of the planet’s total mass. This is significantly larger in proportion compared to the other terrestrial planets. The core is primarily iron and is partly liquid.
Mantle: Surrounding the core is a silicate mantle, which is about 400 kilometers (250 miles) thick. The mantle likely consists of silicates and minerals similar to those found on Earth’s mantle.
Crust: The outer shell of Mercury is a thin silicate crust that is about 100-300 kilometers (62-186 miles) thick. It’s the part of Mercury that bears the brunt of impacts from space debris. There is a decent amount of water ice, but the low atmospheric pressure means it can’t exist as a liquid.

📌 Lack of Plate Tectonics: Unlike Earth, Mercury does not exhibit plate tectonics. However, there are signs of past geological activity, such as volcanoes, fault scarps, and ridges.

📌 Density and Composition Mysteries: Mercury’s high density (second only to Earth in our solar system) and oversized iron core have puzzled scientists for years. Mercury may have formed from the solar nebula closer to the Sun, where materials like iron were more abundant. Alternatively, perhaps Mercury was once a larger planet that lost its outer layers due to a massive impact or intense solar radiation early in its history.

📌 Magnetic Field: Despite its small size, Mercury has a weak global magnetic field. This magnetic field may result from a dynamo effect in its liquid iron core.




August 10, 2024, 11:00

Which planet may hide a real treasure?

Mercury, the smallest planet in the solar system, may hide an all-diamond layer up to 18 kilometers (10 miles) thick at the boundary between the core and the mantle, new research suggests.

Scientists used data collected by MESSENGER spacecraft to inform their theories about the structure of the planet's interior.

When the planet was formed around 4.5 billion years ago, the metal core was entirely liquid which progressively crystallized over time.

Two processes could have resulted in the diamond layer:
1️⃣ the crystallization of the magma ocean that likely contributed to forming only a very thin diamond layer at the core/mantle interface
2️⃣ the crystallization of the metal core of Mercury.

The study suggests that under extreme pressure, the carbon in the mantle turned into diamond.

According to scientists, the results could point to differences between the formation of Mercury and other planets, including Earth and Mars.




August 8, 2024, 17:00

How many facial expressions do cats have?

🐈 Cats display at least 276 different facial expressions, according to a study.

😺😾🙀 About 46% of these expressions are friendly, nearly 37% are aggressive and roughly 17% are ambiguous. Each expression combines about four of 26 unique facial movements, including various ear positions, parted lips, jaw drops, dilated or constricted pupils, blinks, pulled lip corners, nose licks, protracted or retracted whiskers.

😽 The findings show cats are more articulate and affectionate than previously thought.

🐈‍⬛ Although the researchers haven’t been able to compare their results with those of wild felines, they do know that all close relatives of the domestic cat are ferociously solitary animals. Pet cats might have retained some of that defensive “wild” communication, but they probably started to pick up friendly facial expressions over the course of their 10,000-year history with humans.

ℹ️😻 International Cat Day takes place on August 8.




August 6, 2024, 17:00

Why is World Day for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons observed on August 6?

🇺🇸💥☢️🇯🇵 Also known as Hiroshima Day, World Day for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is observed on August 6th every year as a solemn commemoration of the atomic bombing by the United States of America of the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945.

✔️On August 6th 1945, during World War II, a U.S. B-29 bomber named Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb (codenamed "Little Boy") on Hiroshima. It was the first ever use of atomic weapons in warfare.

✔️ The bombing of Hiroshima and that of Nagasaki on August 9th resulted in immense destruction and loss of life. The immediate aftermath saw these Japanese cities engulfed in a massive firestorm, with a large area reduced to ruins. The estimated death toll was up to 150,000 people.

🕊 World Day for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons serves as a reminder of the devastating impact of nuclear weapons and advocates for peace and the abolition of nuclear armaments.




August 5, 2024, 16:46

Where were the world’s first traffic lights installed?

🚦Every year on August 5th, International Traffic Light Day is observed and highlights the importance of the traffic light.

🚥 The world's first traffic light was a manually operated gas-lit signal installed in London, Great Britain, in 1868 ⬆️. It showed a red or green light at night. In 1869 a gas leak caused an explosion, injuring its policeman operator, and the same year this traffic light was removed.

🚦 The history of the first electric traffic light starts with the installation of the first electric traffic signal system in Cleveland, USA, on August 5, 1914. That first traffic light signal only had two colors – green and red ⬆️.

🚥 In 1920 the first three-coloured traffic lights with red, yellow and green lights were put to service in New York and Detroit, USA.

🚦The first electric traffic lights in Europe were installed in the 1920s. Traffic lights returned to London in 1926.




July 30, 2024, 18:15

What is pareidolia?

Pareidolia (pronounced "par-i-DOH-lee-a") is a brain phenomenon in which a person or even a group of people see or hear something significant in a random image or pattern.

The word is derived from the Greek words para, meaning something faulty, wrong, instead of, and the noun eidōlon, meaning image, form or shape.

Face pareidolia occurs when humans see faces in inanimate objects, e.g. in a tree trunk or a piece of burnt toast.

According to researchers:
🔺 the human brain can see not only facial features, but also emotion in inanimate objects
🔺 humans are likelier to see male, rather than female faces, in inanimate objects
🔺 feminine-looking illusory faces are recognized as happy faster
🔺 masculine-looking illusory faces are perceived as angry quicker
🔺 face-like patterns activate similar socio-cognitive processes as real faces
🔺 humans have stronger face-like patterns than animals, which shows how important such social information is to humans.
