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The Ashclair.

Updated: Sep 4, 2024

Jeopardizing the bombed soldier. Generously and adequately. Perhaps they should head down to the harpy kinfolk headquarters and stab. This ladder is held together by old runes and the spirit of optimism. (@TheAshclair | @AshclairBot.)

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August 14, 2024, 5:01

   ┃ ➤ • • • Ephemeral Euphoria: A             ✣
   ┃              :           Phosphorescent Tale Of
   ┃14th ──── August (..) A Blissful Birthday.

Sovereign realm of revelry, a mellifluous litany of burgeons, celestial rhapsody intoned throughout the cosmos. Within the cradle of existence, a delicate amour brought forth versierd with an utterance of amicable and cradled inward amour of Elysian benediction. Zephyr masquerades as resplendent with mild hues of amour and the profound enchantment of nascent commencements. Outspread heaps years ahead, that minuscule herald o' mirth metamorphosed into a scintillating luminary, their odyssey intricately engraved with chapters of prosperity, mirth, and coalescent exploits.

         ᭧..          As we contemplate those
        junctures—from ebullient merriment to
     sincere embraces—becomes manifest that
     this revered entity bestows felicity upon the
                            entire cosmos.

Benevolence, geniality, and unalloyed epitomization constitute the keystone for our profoundly appreciative sentiments. Beneath merriment of this marvelous day, with candles aglow upon those benevolent souls utter sentences in celebration that will be celebrated together owing to mise-en-scène many more happy returns to our cherished Lee Rora, Eibylou Ashclair. Felicitations on achieving the milestone of 16 Years! May glee unfailingly consort with you, and may desolation gradually dissipate. Amidst the throes of 14th August revelry, encircled by those who've borne witness to every meander and twist of our esteemed expedition, discern the amicable emanating from the journey and amour that has burgeoned with each passing year!


    ⓘ. 764—E.g.: Birthday Mails • • • With Love
                       And Fondness, The Ashclair.



August 13, 2024, 13:16

ㅤㅤ(..) In the veiled recesses of time, Nina once whispered a truth softly to the wind: "Chances are, if you can name it, we possess it in abundance."

ㅤㅤWe wove together the fragments of our hearts, with tender patience, we awaited the key—a sacred token—to turn in its rightful lock, gently easing us from the gloom into the light beyond.

ㅤㅤAnd so, here we stand, in search of a new keeper of the keys, one who shall aid us in venturing further into the mysteries of Keyhouse. We extend an invitation to those willing to fill the vacant roles—those born between 1993-1998, to step into the shoes of an uncle or aunt, and those born between 1999-2006, to embrace the role of a child. Should you intend to reply to our missive, kindly direct your response to our Keyhouse @LockeRobot using the postcards we have graciously provided:

May my warmest regards reach you with grace. I wish to express my intent to join the ranks as a candidate for the new guardian of the Keyhouse. Enclosed are my name (yourname), my year of birth (year) and a description of my visage, (yourmuse), as per your request. I await your esteemed reply with anticipation, thank you.
ㅤㅤPlease be advised that we reject duplicates or clones, and any such discoveries will be met with resolute action. We also wish to inform you that only one muse slot is available, and we kindly request that you consult our TAKEN LIST before submitting your response. Should you have any inquiries, please address them in a letter and direct it to our residence in Matheson.



August 12, 2024, 10:16

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ    (Dwelling of Art: Among Us)

II/IV Vols. 𖡎 For my incredible memories, to make it longer. Splendor momenteous, dwelight to embedded that loose hornet towards them. Clementine celestine held in, take the midnight become unprecedented history. In our memory, it doesn’t end. We just stay there, looking at each other, forever. And stay alive, presenting our new portion. Moonlit luminaries and vivid, penned down the poetize of crescent moon: We, @TheHowarth.

ㅤㅤ “Heart to lepidopteran, our poetize dote wrote–down in Caterpillar of the Moon.” (Authored)

We seeking for those of Languish, route goose in swain blessings. Especially extending seeking for, Daughter & Son (97–07). But you, must be take a essence the TAKEN LIST towards @HowarthTales first.
“Hello, Howarths! Here my essential, to disseminate entire you. Hereby, I am: (your name), with my birth year who was born in (your birth year) and ensure my muse is (your muse). Want to be the one of your part in sworn, (Daughter & Son) of yours with faithfully.”
Through @HowarthBot to ensure it becomes a definite part of us, cowardice embedded and embraced by us. Of 1st century, managed to become the thrilled blessedness and well heeled that has been present in this amazing reincarnation compared to the past, absolute, and we consist of some best cootie.